...Australian Deputy Prime Minister yesterday as she tiptoed her way good-naturedly over open sewers and smiled at bare-footed urchins to announce a 300,000 rupee ($7300) donation for the purchase of school books.
It would be better, if quite a bit more expensive, to do something about assisting those Indian students to be more secure within Australia. That would have a bigger impact in the Indian media than a small donation.
In the mean time Ms Gillard has managed to arrange massive amounts of money to go to rural primary schools in Queensland that are about to close. One school, with only 1 student, has been given $250,000 for a new library. WTF?
Reference here.
Why would you do something as stupid as that and, almost with the same hand, take away funding for other rural schools so they could build science and language buildings? Incompetence, that's how. A completely ballsed up process based more on ideology than intelligence. A more cynical person might accuse the Government of blatant pork-barrelling.
While a political storm was brewing at home over revelations the federal government had redirected money from some of the country's most disadvantaged high schools to make up a shortfall in its primary school building program, in India at least it was a day of largess.
Source for both quotes above here.
Just like the Auscars assistance program. Put one man in charge who cannot cope, fail to provide any additional help and then wonder why he attempts to crash the government. By the way, a fake email is one which has been written, printed but not sent. As soon as it is sent it is a genuine email. The contents may be true or false but the email is still genuine.
K.Rudd and J.Gillard are micro-managers because they don't understand what they are doing. People who micro-manage are always into the minute detail without ever getting a handle on the big picture, the overarching concerns. You cannot change their path once their minds are made up because their minds are like concrete, all mixed up and permanently set.
Micro-management is the refuge of the incompetent, their shield from reality.